Hemp on the Slope
Spring Summit
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Two Rivers Convention Center
Grand Junction, CO
10 AM – 4 PM
LET’S TALK HEMP: This town-hall style symposium will feature educational tracks recapping the sold-out 6th annual NoCo Hemp Expo and discuss hemp market opportunities, USDA and FDA rules and regulations, the 2019/2020 hemp forecast, growing hemp on the Western Slope, genetics, soil health, processing, policy predictions and more. We will feature experienced industry thought leaders and speakers, networking, community and lunch!
Join Salt Creek Hemp and Colorado Hemp Solutions as they host the Hemp on the Slope Spring Summit. We invite you to attend the Summit on May 11, 2019 for a western slope hemp networking event and educational symposium.
Sponsored by Key to Life Garden and Lunch provided by Atlasta Solar Center. Tickets only $69 each. Limited seats available.
Produced by Colorado Hemp Company